Friends of Juneau County


4-29-22 Meeting

217 S Main St

Friday, April 29 2022

6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT

Minutes Tab

Call meeting to order/Establish Quorum

  1. Meeting called to order at 6:01 PM

Discuss/Vote to Approve Meeting Minutes from 4-6-22 with update to Bank Balance.

  1. Tabled Approval of Minutes

Presidents Report

  1. Presidents Report: Discussed letter being drafted for solicitation of donations. Not finished yet.

Treasurers Report

  1. Treasurers Report: Karin Vanderhoof reported bank balance was at 863.88

Old Business

Update on Ordering Checks

  1. Received Checks, they were given to Treasurer Karin Vanderhoof.

Update on drafting letter for donations/sponsors

Updates on 4th of July Festival

  1. Discussed potential for bands at 4th of July Festival

Update on Grant Application from Walmart

  1. Discussed request for grant from Walmart. Had not received a call back yet from Walmart.

New Business

Discuss/Vote on food menu and prices for 4th of July Festival

  1. Discussed potential pricing for food for 4th of July Festival. No action taken.

Discuss what we still need for the 4th of July Festival

  1. Discussed items still needed for 4th of July FestivalVolunteersOil for deep fryerFritos/Nacho’s DoritosSignsFlyers which are made and ready to be printed.CondimentsSand for kids digging for coins.
  2. Volunteers
  3. Oil for deep fryer
  4. Fritos/Nacho’s Doritos
  5. Signs
  6. Flyers which are made and ready to be printed.
  7. Condiments
  8. Sand for kids digging for coins.

Discuss/Vote on Joining the Necedah Area Chamber of Commerce as an organization. (Karin Abstaining from vote)

  1. Discussed joining the Necedah Area Chamber of Commerce. Jamie Milheiser made a motion to join the Chamber, Huckleberry Ulbricht 2nd. All were in favor, Motion Carried

Discuss the updating of the bylaws to meet IRS requirements in anticipation of applying for 501c3 Tax Exempt Status.

  1. Discussed status of updating bylaws to meet IRS requirements for 501c3 Status. Process is still in progress.


  1. Karin Vanderhoof made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jamie Milheiser. All in Favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:29pm.


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