Gary Middle College


GMC Board of Directors April Meeting

21st Century High School - North Building 1440 E. 35th Street, Gary IN

Thursday, April 20 2023

11:45am - 12:15pm CDT

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  1. Welcome and Roll Call
    11:45 am CDT
  2. Approval: Agenda
  3. Approval: Minutes of September 28, 2022
  4. Superintendent's Report
  5. Financial Review
  6. Governance - Discussion: Service and Licensing Agreement
  7. Public Comment
  8. New Business
  9. Adjourn

Minutes Tab

Gary Middle College

GMC Board of Directors April Meeting

Thu Apr 20, 2023 4:45 PM - 5:15 PM UTC

Welcome and Roll Call

Meeting Called to order at 12:10 PM, by Arlene Colvin, Board Chair.

Attending:  Arlene Colvin, Louie Gonzalez, Dana Gore, Nadine McDowell, Matthew Wells
Absent:  None

Approval: Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda put forth by Nadine McDowell, second by Dana Gore.  Motion carried unanimously.

Approval: Minutes of September 28, 2022

Motion to Approve Minutes of September 28, 2022 put forth by Dana Gore, second by Nadine McDowell.  Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent's Report

Kevin Teasley presented his Superintendent report, noting enrollment trends and upcoming graduates.

Financial Review

School Treasurer Dana Teasley reviewed the school's current financial statements.

Governance - Discussion: Service and Licensing Agreement

The Board discussed the proposed Service and Licensing Agreement and noted it would be referred to Board Counsel for further review.

Public Comment

There was no Public Comment.

New Business

Motion to Approve the 2023-24 School Calendar put forth by Louie Gonzalez, second by Nadine McDowell.  Motion carried unanimously.


Meeting adjourned at 12:30 via consensus.


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