GREEN Charter Schools


GREEN Charter Schools Board Meeting

Thursday, September 14 2023

6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT

If you wish to contribute a public comment email your names to before 3:00 PM ET Thursday


  1. Welcome/Opening Remarks
    6:00 pm EDT
  2. Public Comments (limited to three minutes per speaker, thirty minutes in total)
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes from Aug 10, 2023
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Governance Committee
    2. Finance Committee
    3. Infrastructure & Growth Committee
    4. Personnel Committee
  6. Old Business
    1. Unsung Heroes
  7. New Business
  8. Student Successes (Bobby Rollins)
  9. Executive Director Update (Tom Cronin)
    1. Growth of GREEN Process Explanation (Catherine Watt)
    2. Enrollment Update
  10. Adjournment

Minutes Tab

Welcome/Opening Remarks

Meeting Started at 6:04 Ms Townes welcomes everyone and thanks all stakeholders



Present: Haley Brunson, Mandy Townes, Tracy Kramer, Tom Cronin

Remote: Laurel Wiles, Trishka Hornbeck, Judy Fairchild

Absent: Brittany Arsiniega, Imtiaz Haque


Present: Bobby Rollins, Catherine Watt

Public Comments (limited to three minutes per speaker, thirty minutes in total)

No Requests for Public Comment

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve - Ms Kramer

Second - Ms Fairchild

Approved 5:0

Approval of Minutes from Aug 10, 2023

Motion to Approve - Ms Kramer moves to accept as written

Second -  Ms Wiles

Approved 5:0

Committee Reports

Governance Committee

The most recent committee meeting involved the campus for Simpsonville, a personnel matter, and enrollment.

Finance Committee

This committee met to discuss the close of 22 fy budget and our current budget with our enrollment.

Infrastructure & Growth Committee

The committee is looking at properties to fulfill GREEN's replications.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee is currently reviewing Mr Cronin's goals and will meet at the end of the month to make sure those continue smoothly.

Old Business

Unsung Heroes

This topic was tabled in the August Meeting. The Board wishes to celebrate any staff that work behind the scenes and recognize them publicly. 

Ms Townes requested any ideas from the Board.
Ms Wiles states that this is a great idea. 
Ms Townes asks Ms Wiles if the Personnel Committee would take this on as a project. 
Ms Wiles agrees and mentions that January may be a better month for the recognition.
Ms Fairchild mentions that Valentine's Day might be a great time to celebrate. 
Personnel Committee will take this on.
This will be tabled for the October meeting with Personnel Committee providing an update.

New Business

None at this time

Student Successes (Bobby Rollins)

Mr Rollins introduces several GUHS students who have competed internationally or at the next level of their respective sports. 

Executive Director Update (Tom Cronin)

Growth of GREEN Process Explanation (Catherine Watt)

Ms Watt explains the process of expanding the growth process for applying for a new school,

Enrollment Update

We were under 1900 students two years ago, under 2200 last year and just under 2400 so far this year, so we've made a 10%-12% jump each year. There is some concern at one of our campuses where we were expecting 375 kids and only 275 showed up. We are creating parent and exit surveys to understand the shift in enrollment. We are continuing to enroll through all campuses as seats are available. 

Ms Townes states that she is glad that we are taking this surveying of parents seriously.


Ms Townes mentions that she would like to hold a meeting at the Midlands and Lowcountry campuses in the next few months. 

Motion to Adjourn - Ms Kramer

Adjourned 6:38pm

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