Housing Catalyst


Housing Catalyst Development Committee

Monday, August 5 2024

3:00pm - 4:30pm MDT

Illustration of a two people discussing at a table

Nothing to see yet. Check back for updates.


  1. Approval of Minutes from June 3, 2024 Meeting
    5 mins
    3:00 pm MDT
  2. Construction and Project Updates
    3:05 pm
    1. Impala Redevelopment
      5 mins
      3:05 pm
      1. Additional Deferred Fee
    2. Plum Place
      5 mins
      3:10 pm
  3. Board Meeting Agenda Items
    1. Bond Carryforward Package
    2. Bond Inducement Resolution
  4. Partnership and Pipeline Updates
    45 mins
    3:15 pm
    1. Village on Eastbrook
      1. Villages Ltd. Equity Commitment Analysis
    2. Remington Parking Lot
  5. Adjourn
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