Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service


December Board Meeting

Fairview Inn, 734 Fairview St, Jackson, MS 39202

Wednesday, December 13 2023

10:00am - 1:00pm CST

Illustration of a two people discussing at a table

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  1. Call to Order
    Becky Cade profile image
    10:00 am CST
    1. Roll Call
      Meghan Hutchins profile image

      Meredith Aldridge, Dr. Suzanne Bean, Chief Cyrus Ben, Board Chair Becky Cade, Ashley Cannady, Beth Fisher, Susan Garrard, Aubrey Leigh Goodwin, Lisa Grantham, Rochelle Hicks, Vice Chair Jennifer Hopping, Second Vice Chair Merracle Jordan, Katherine Krehbiel (Ex Officio), First Lady Elee Reeves (Honorary Chair), Dr. Jo Shumake, Cole Smith, and Dr.  Lemia Jenkins Thompson

    2. Introductions
    3. General Business
      1. Approval of the Agenda
      2. Approval of the Minutes - 11 October 2023
  2. Commission Reports
    1. Chairman's Report
      Becky Cade profile image
    2. Executive Director's Report
      Suzanne Rutherford profile image
    3. Financial Report
      Adrian Austin profile image

      October and November financial overview.  Report reviewed by Finance Committee - accepted pending regular audit.

    4. National Service Report
      Katherine Krehbiel profile image
    5. Committee Reports
  3. AmeriCorps Competitive Recommendations
    Suzanne Rutherford profile image
    1. Conflicts of Interest
    2. University of MS | MS Jumpstart - Continuation Application
    3. The Refill Jackson Initiative (RJI)
  4. Announcements
    1. MCVS Offices closed December 21, 2023 - January 01, 2024
    2. Strategic Planning Retreat: 6-7 February 2024 - Greenville, MS
    3. Next Meeting: 7 February 2024 - Greenville, MS
  5. Adjournment

Minutes Tab

Call to Order

Board Chair, Becky Cade called the December 2023 Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. CST, 13 December 2023 at The Fairview Inn located in Jackson, MS.  

Roll Call

Roll call was performed by Meghan Hutchins; quorum was satisfied with Commissioners Meredith Aldridge and Aubrey Leigh Goodwin as well as Katherine Krehbiel (Ex Officio) attending via Zoom platform.  Commissioners Dr. Suzanne Bean, Board Chair Becky Cade, Beth Fisher, Susan Garrard, Lisa Grantham, Rochelle Hicks, Vice Chair Jennifer Hopping, Cole Smith, and Dr.  Lemia Jenkins Thompson attended in person.  MCVS Staff in attendance were Suzanne Rutherford, Adrian Austin, Chequetta Harper, Meghan Hutchins, Zoie Henson, and Ann Bradley Maloney.  Catherine Bell (Special Assistant Attorney General and Board Counsel) and Jeff Wilson (Trinity Capital Investors representative) were in attendance.   


General Business

Approval of the Agenda

Dr. Suzanne Bean moved to accept the agenda and Susan Garrard seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.  

Approval of the Minutes - 11 October 2023

Rochelle Hicks moved to approve the October 11, 2023, Board Meeting minutes with Cole Smith seconding.  With all in favor and none opposed, the motion carried with acclamation.  

Commission Reports

Chairman's Report

Board Chair, Becky Cade reminded Commissioners of the Strategic Planning Retreat along with the Board Meeting February 6-7, 2024, in Greenville, MS.  A site visit to MS Delta Nature and Learning Center will also be on the agenda for the retreat.  January's site visit will be We Will Go, where Commissioners and MCVS staff will complete a service project.  The Chair thanked Catherine Bell for her assistance in finalization of commissioner reappointments.  The Chair also thanked the Attorney General's Office for a successful Roundtable in October.  

Executive Director's Report

Executive Director, Suzanne Rutherford began her report by announcing that Tanya Fortenberry will be joining the MCVS team in January as Volunteer and Disaster Officer.  She then continued her report with updates on AmeriCorps, Administration, Disaster, and Outreach.  

Financial Report

Chief of Staff, Adrian Austin presented the monthly Budget and Finance Report for October and November.  Susan Garrard moved to accept Mr. Austin's report pending regular audit.  Rochelle Hicks seconded the motion.  All were in favor with none opposed.  The motion carried.  Jeff Wilson with Trinity Capital Investors reviewed the MCVS November 2023 portfolio highlights.  

National Service Report

Katherine Krehbiel reported on behalf of AmeriCorps State and National.  She began her report by stating that they are looking for VISTA projects in Jackson.  Ms. Krehbiel will also have the opportunity to attend the Strategic Planning Retreat in February 2024 and has some sites in mind to possibly visit as well during her trip.  

Committee Reports

No reports to be made at this time.    

AmeriCorps Competitive Recommendations

Conflicts of Interest

Conflict of Interest forms were completed by Commissioners present with Aubrey Leigh Goodwin and Meredith Aldridge completing via DocuSign.  Katherine Krehbiel left the Zoom meeting during all discussion and voting.  

University of MS | MS Jumpstart - Continuation Application

Susan Garrard moved to approve University of MS/MS Jumpstart's Continuation Application.  Rochelle Hicks seconded.  Meredith Aldridge recused herself from the discussion and vote.  With all in favor and none opposed, the motion carried unanimously.   

The Refill Jackson Initiative (RJI)

Board Chair Becky Cade recused herself from the discussion and vote.  Susan Garrard moved to approve the Refill Jackson Initiative's Competitive Application.  Lisa Grantham seconded.  With all in favor and none opposed, the motion carried unanimously.  


MCVS Offices closed December 21, 2023 - January 01, 2024

Strategic Planning Retreat: 6-7 February 2024 - Greenville, MS

Venue to be determined.  

Next Meeting: 7 February 2024 - Greenville, MS

Venue to be determined.  


There being no further business to come before the Board, Beth Fisher moved to adjourn at 11:43 a.m.  Vice Chair Jennifer Hopping seconded.  There was a consensus, and the meeting was adjourned.  



Name Attendance


Meredith Aldridge

Adrian Austin

Dr. Suzanne Bean

Catherine Bell

Cyrus Ben

Becky Cade

Ashley Cannady

Jin Joo Crosby

Beth Fisher

Susan Garrard

Aubrey Leigh Goodwin

Lisa Grantham

Chequetta Harper

Zoie Henson

Rochelle Hicks

Jennifer Hopping

Meghan Hutchins

Merracle Jordan

Katherine Krehbiel

Ann Bradley Maloney

Heather Montgomery

Michelle Robinson

Suzanne Rutherford

Dr. Jo Shumake

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