Monarch River Academy


Board Meeting

3610 E. Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, CA 93726

Tuesday, February 28 2023

6:00pm - 8:00pm PST


  1. Opening Items
    10 mins
    6:00 pm PST
    1. Record Attendance
    2. Call the Meeting to Order
      Dr. Sam Nofziger profile image
    3. Pledge of Allegiance
      Dr. Sam Nofziger profile image
    4. Discussion & Potential Action to Approve the January 24, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
    5. Public Comment
    6. Discussion & Potential Action on the Approval of the Agenda
  2. Finance
    6:10 pm
    1. Discussion & Potential Action on Auditor Selection for the 2022-2023 Audit
      5 mins
      Dr. Laurie Goodman profile image
      6:10 pm
    2. Presentation & Potential Discussion of the 2021-2022 Audit
      5 mins
      Dr. Laurie Goodman profile image
      6:15 pm
    3. Discussion & Potential Action on the Executive Director & Deputy Director Divvy Expenses
      5 mins
      Steph Johnson profile image
      6:20 pm
    4. Discussion & Potential Action on the Second Interim Report
      5 mins
      Jim Surmeian profile image
      6:25 pm
    5. Discussion & Potential Action on the January 2023 Financial Report
      10 mins
      Jim Surmeian profile image
      6:30 pm
  3. Academic Excellence
    6:40 pm
    1. Invitation to the 2023 8th Grade Promotion & High School Graduation Ceremonies
      5 mins
      Steph Johnson profile image
      6:40 pm
    2. Presentation & Potential Discussion on the New Art and Prop 28 Grant Plans
      5 mins
      Dr. Damien Phillips profile image
      6:45 pm
    3. Discussion & Potential Action on the Educator Effectiveness Grant
      5 mins
      Dr. Laurie Goodman profile image
      6:50 pm
  4. Operations
    6:55 pm
    1. Discussion & Potential Action on the Proposal for New Positions
      10 mins
      Steph Johnson profile image
      6:55 pm
      1. Special Day Class Program Coordinator
    2. Presentation & Potential Discussion of the 2023-2024 Organizational Chart
      15 mins
      Steph Johnson profile image
      7:05 pm
    3. Discussion & Potential Action on the Updated Comprehensive Safety Plan
      5 mins
      Dr. Damien Phillips profile image
      7:20 pm
  5. Governance
    7:25 pm
    1. Discussion & Potential Action on the Board Meeting Calendar: Changing the May 23, 2023 Meeting to May 9, 2023
      10 mins
      Dr. Laurie Goodman profile image
      7:25 pm
    2. Presentation & Potential Discussion of the Board Metrics Report for February
      10 mins
      Steph Johnson profile image
      7:35 pm
  6. Closing Items
    10 mins
    7:45 pm
    1. Announcement of the Next Scheduled Board Meeting
      Dr. Sam Nofziger profile image
      1. Regular: May __, 2023 at 6:00 PM
    2. Board of Director Comments & Requests
  7. Meeting Notes
    1. Note: Times listed on the agenda are estimates only and do not represent the actual time each agenda item will take place during the Board meeting. Similarly, the length of time noted for each of the agenda items also represents estimated duration, and not the actual length of time allocated for each.
    2. Note: The Governing Board encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public meeting process. If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Governing Board Office at (562) 758-0511 at least 48 hours before the scheduled board meeting so every reasonable effort can be made to accommodate you. (Government Code § 54954.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, § 202 (42 U.S.C. § 1213)
    3. Public Comment Rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items through the teleconference platform, Zoom. Zoom does not require the members of the public to have an account or login. Please either utilize the chat option to communicate to the administrative team of your desire to address the Board or simply communicate orally your desire to address the Board when the Board asks for public comments. Speakers may be called in the order requests are received. Comments are limited to 2 minutes each, with no more than 15 minutes per single topic. If a member of the public utilizes a translator to address the Board, those individuals are allotted 4 minutes each. If the Board utilizes simultaneous translation equipment in a manner that allows the Board to hear the translated public testimony simultaneously, those individuals are allotted 2 minutes each. By law, the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, refer a matter to school staff or calendar the issue for future discussion.



Name Attendance

Kimmi Buzzard

Rhonda Duerksen

Dr. Laurie Goodman

Dr. Steven James

Dr. Sam Nofziger

Dr. Monique Ouwinga-DeRuiter

Dr. Damien Phillips

Sarah Sanchez

Yolanda Vazquez

Denise Voth

Elizabeth Wagner

Dr. Craig Wheaton

Guest Members

Name Attendance

Michelene Fitzgerald

Amy Friensen

Steph Johnson

Jenny Plumb

Lorraine Sewell

Jim Surmeian

Maria Thoeni

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