Oakland Community Health Network


Committee of the Whole Meeting

5505 Corporate Dr. Troy Mi, 48098

Monday, February 13 2023

4:30pm - 7:30pm EST

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Public Comment: 

Oakland Community Health Network is now hosting its public meetings in a hybrid format and will be accessible to members of the public in-person at the address in this notice and online using the link above. Members of the public are provided two separate opportunities to give public comment. Please click the Public Comment Link below to submit your public comment. The meeting facilitator will alert you when it is your turn to speak

Public Comment Link


  1. Order of Business
    4:30 pm EST
    1. Roll Call
    2. Public Comment
    3. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Policy Management
    1. FY22 Recipient Rights Annual Report - Vicki Suder
    2. QAPIP Report - Marquitta Massey
  3. Business Operations
    1. Financial Review - Anya Eliassen
    2. Contractual Obligations - (Over 100,000)
      1. CPI Contract - Adam Jenovai
        1. PIHP Contract Amendment # 8 - Callana Ollie
          1. CMHSP Contract Amendment - Callana Ollie
      2. Docebo Contract - Trisha Zizumbo
      3. Rehmann Robson - Anya Eliassen
      4. PIHP Contract Amendment - Callana Ollie
      5. CMHSP Contact Amendment - Callana Ollie
  4. Other Business
    1. Events/Outreach –Suzanne Weinert
  5. Public Comment
  6. Board Member Comments
  7. Closed Session: Per Public Act 267 of 1976, 15.268(1)(a)
  8. Adjournment

Minutes Tab

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Committee of the Whole Meeting

Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:30 PM - 12:30 AM UTC

Order of Business

Ms. Newman brought the meeting to order at 4:32PM.

Roll Call

A quorum was achieved. 

Board Executive Committee:

  • Jonathan Landsman, Board Chair
  • Dennis Cowan, Treasurer
  • John Paul Torres, Vice Chair
  • Adam Fuhrman, Secretary

Board Members:

  • Reena Naami-Dier
  • Malkia Newman
  • Yvette Woodruff
  • John Young
  • Christine Root
  • Dr. Hans
  • Sarah May

Public Comment

Mr. Cummings spoke regarding the Behavioural Health System in Michigan

Approval of the Agenda

Mr. Cowan made the motion to approve the agenda and supported by Mr. Fuhrman. Motion carried with all members present voting in favor.

Business Operations

Financial Review - Anya Eliassen

Last Quarter Revenue - Relative flat.

Eligibles - Slighter above last year. PHE will end shortly. Figures will be different in the new year. They will adjust rates, don't know when. 6 months eligibility will be dropping.

Asset Comparison - Cash and Investments is down. Receivables is down. Other assets down. Capital assets is down.

Liabilities Comparison -Liabilities are down but as OCHN reconcile accounts this will change. Due to state is roughly flat. Employee payables is roughly flat. Longer term debt is down.

Net Position Comparison - Net position is slightly down. 

Revenue Comparison - This is comparing to a year ago. Is roughly the same with a small increase to Medicaid funding

Expenses Comparison - Provider network expenses are down and provider network expenses is up. er

Net Income Comparison -Total revenue is lower than Expenses.

Contractual Obligations - (Over 100,000)

Rehmann Robson - Anya Eliassen

1 year extension with monthly financial reports for the Board. Assist with All EQI reporting for the FY23. Assist with all FSR reporting for the FY23. Total $170,000.00 (NTE $631,000.00).

A recMotion made by Mr. Young and supported by Mr. Fuhrman. Motion carried to move to Board Meeting for approval.

PIHP Contract Amendment # 8 - Callana Ollie

No Budgetary Impact. This Amendment #8 of the PIHP amends AD Hoc Reporting and Medicaid Savings Language is updated. This a 

Motion made by Mr. Young and Mr. Fuhrman supported. Motion carried to move to Board for approval

CMHSP Contract Amendment - Callana Ollie

No Budgetary Impact. The purpose of the amendment is to modify Part II, Statement of Work to add Mediation in the Mental Health Dispute Resolution.

Motion made by Mr. Furham and supported by Mr. Young. Motion carried to move to Board for approval.  

CPI Contract - Adam Jenovai

A 4-month contract extension is requested to allow proper time to allow for the bidding process. which is in the beg stages for these services.

Motion made by Mr. Torres and supported by Mr. Fuhrman. Motion carries to move for full board approval.

Docebo Contract - Trisha Zizumbo

1 year extension to Docebo (learning management system - LMS). Learning and training tool internally. Launching this to all network providers in FY24.

Motion by Mr. Torres and supported by Mr. Fuhrman. Motion carries to move for full board approval. 

Policy Management

FY22 Recipient Rights Annual Report - Vicki Suder

Complaint Data Summary was given.

 90 days is the timeframe for Completed Investigation. Met the goal. 

Appeals Information was given. 

Remediation served for FY22 information was given.

Training Team has trained 9,444 people in FY22.

Progress of Outcomes for FY22 accomplished all 3 goals. 1. Develop plan and implement for Mentoring (Beyond Tokenism) RRAC members. 2. Highlight RRAC Members and Rights Staff at RRAC meetings to share strengths, passions, and ideas. 3. Discuss how stigma effects a person when engaging in the rights system and determine action steps.

Outcomes for FY23 - 1. Develop calendar of training for RRAC members. 2. Members get to know each other and be understood. 3. Determine what RRAC can do to make a difference in the lives of persons served by bringing issues about Rights to the meeting and identify of concerns.

Recommendations: 1. OCHN/Exec Director provides necessary support of the Rights Office. 2. Board reviews periodic reports and recommendations. 3. Board considers Recipient Rights related topic in Board Study sessions.

QAPIP Report - Marquitta Massey

QAPIP report was given. 

Report stated all the accomplishments that were made and a Year End Report which highlighted major accomplishments of each committee. Barriers to achieving objectives. Plans for coming Fiscal Year. Overall effectiveness.

Year End - Quality Committee Highlights for the following:

Quality Improvement Council
 HEDIS Metrics
Improving Practices Leadership Team
Integrated Health Care

Motion made by Mrs. May and seconded by Ms. Woodruff, motion carried to move for full board approval. 

Other Business

No other business noted.

Events/Outreach –Suzanne Weinert

Outreach and Awareness was given for the months of February and March of 2023.

Public Comment

None online or in person comments provided.

Board Member Comments

Board members shared appreciation of presentations. 

Closed Session: Per Public Act 267 of 1976, 15.268(1)(a)

Mr. Fuhrman made the motion to move into close session pursuant to Public Act 267 of 1976, 15.268(1)(a). Supported by Mr. Young. Motion carried by roll call vote with all members present voting in favor. 


The board resumed the meeting coming out of closed session.

 Mr. Landsman adjourned the COW meeting at 8 :15 PM. 



Name Attendance


Sheila Barrett

Christine Burk

Frances Carley

Dennis Cowan

Nasr Doss

Anya Eliassen

Kimberly Flowers

Adam Fuhrman

Donard Haggins

Bijaya Hans

Bernard Hooper

Adam Jenovai

Frances Kolody

Jonathan Landsman

Dana Lasenby

Victoria Marble

Sarah May

Vasiliki Michalakis

Peter Mouhot

Reena Naami-Dier

Malkia Newman

Callana Ollie

Colleen Opalka

Megan Phillips

Kathy Porter

Vasilis Pozios

Christina Root

John Paul Torres

Suzanne Weinert

Yvette Woodruff

John Young

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