ASU Preparatory Academy


Board of Directors Meeting - Notice of Regular Session

Tuesday, January 23 2024

9:00am - 10:00am MST

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01 and A.R.S §38-431.02 notice is hereby given to the general public that the Board of  Directors of ASU Preparatory Academy, will hold a Regular Session, on Tuesday January 23, 2024 via Zoom or dial into +1 602 753 0140 Meeting ID: 8403 1417 702 at 9:00 AM AZ.

Those who are unable to participate virtually are invited to ASU Preparatory Academy's District Office located at 1130 E University Dr. STE 230, Tempe, AZ 85281. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation: such as a language interpreter, by contacting ASU Prep Academy at or by calling 480-727-2435 . Act (29 CFR 35.106; Notice)

Copies of the agenda and supporting materials will be available 24 hours prior to the meeting online at or you may review the agenda in person at the District Office or each school's main office. The Board reserves the right to change the order of items on the agenda, with exception of public hearings. One or more members of the Board may participate in the meeting by telephonic communications. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02(H) the Board will not discuss, consider, or decide those matters not listed on the agenda. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A)(3), the Board may vote to go into Executive Session, which will not be open to the public, to consult with its attorney and obtain legal advice on any matter listed on the agenda. 


  1. Regular Session
    9:00 am MST
    1. Call to Order – Chairman
    2. Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman
    3. Roll Call - Board Clerk
  2. Public Comment
    1. Call for Public Comments – Chairman

      This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Governing Body may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S 38-431.01 (H), action taken because of the public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.

  3. Informational Items
    1. Next Board Meeting is Tuesday March 26th, 2024 at 9am AZ
    2. Annual Meeting Items - Board Chair
      • January meeting is our annual organization board meeting per AZ 15-321
      • Complete and return Conflict of Interest disclosures
    3. Charter Consolidation

      Leah Lommel, Chief Administrative Officer

  4. Approval of Action Items
    1. Approval of November 14th Regular Session Meeting Minutes

      It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the Regular Session Meeting Minutes for November 14th, 2023.

    2. Approval to add 7th and 8th grade to ASU Preparatory Academy Pilgrim Rest

      Betsy Fowler, Head of Schools, Immersion

      It is requested that the Board of Directors approve ASU Prep Pilgrim Rest to serve Kindergarten through 8th grade.

    3. Attendance Policy

      Dannette Gastelo, Director of Student Data and State Compliance

      It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the Attendance Policy.

    4. Approval of the Board Officers for the 2024 Calendar Year

      It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the  following Board officers for 2024, George Dean, Chairman, José Cárdenas, Vice Chairman and Secretary, Amy McGrath, Treasurer.

    5. Approval of the Conflict of Interest Policy

      It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the Conflict of Interest Policy.

  5. Executive Session

    Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3), the Board may go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to consult with its attorney and obtain legal advice on any item listed on the agenda.

  6. Adjournment
    1. Made available to the public this 17th day of January by Martha Plascencia, ASU Preparatory Academy Board Clerk 480-727-2435

Minutes Tab

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Board of Directors Meeting - Notice of Regular Session

Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC

Board Members Present 

George Dean, Chairperson

José Cárdenas, Vice Chairperson

Amy McGrath, Treasurer

Board Members Absent

Katie Ratlief, Director

Julie Young, Director

Non-Board Members Present

Jamie Moran,  ASU Prep Exec Director of Enterprise Ops

Martha Plascencia, ASU Prep Board Clerk & Enterprise Operations Coordinator

Barbara Dickerson, ASU Associate VP-Chief of Staff, EOSS

Elizabeth Fowler, ASU Prep Immersion Head of Schools

Rebecca Hill, ASU Prep Chief of Staff

Alea Boudreau, ASU Prep Academic Program Manager

Phil Netolicky, ASU Prep Chief Financial Officer

Deanna Rader, ASU Prep Legal Counsel

Katie Van Deinse, ASU Prep Business Office Manager

Leah Lommel, ASU Prep Chief Administrative Officer

Dannette Gastelo, Director of Student Data and State Compliance

Regular Session

Call to Order – Chairman

George Dean called the meeting to order at 9:04am AZ

Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman

George Dean led the meeting attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call - Board Clerk

Martha Plascencia took roll call and verified a quorum was present

Public Comment

Call for Public Comments – Chairman

This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Governing Body may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S 38-431.01 (H), action taken because of the public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.

No Public Comment

Informational Items

Next Board Meeting is Tuesday March 26th, 2024 at 9am AZ

Annual Meeting Items - Board Chair

  • January meeting is our annual organization board meeting per AZ 15-321
  • Complete and return Conflict of Interest disclosures

Mr. Dean requested all board members have their conflict of interest disclosures completed by the end of January.

Charter Consolidation - Leah Lommel, Chief Administrative Officer

Amy McGrath explained that a charter consolidation would enhance ASU Preparatory Academy's agility and eliminate the administrative burden of excessive compliance paperwork. The charter consolidation is intended to result in two charters, one for the immersion sites and one for digital.

Leah Lommel explained that we will be implementing a consistent charter structure across all immersion schools. ASU Prep is collaborating with Arizona Department of Education to finalize the details and ensure a smooth transition for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Approval of Action Items

Approval of November 14th Regular Session Meeting Minutes

It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the Regular Session Meeting Minutes for November 14th, 2023.

Amy McGrath made a motion to approve the Regular Session Meeting Minutes for November 14th, 2023, seconded by José Cárdenas

Motion Carries
Yea: José Cárdenas, George Dean, Amy McGrath

Approval to add 7th and 8th grade to ASU Preparatory Academy Pilgrim Rest

Betsy Fowler, Head of Schools, Immersion

It is requested that the Board of Directors approve ASU Prep Pilgrim Rest to serve Kindergarten through 8th grade.

In collaboration with Pilgrim Rest and its parents, there's a strong desire to expand the school to offer 7th and 8th grades. This potential addition would create a seamless pathway for students to continue their education at Downtown Phoenix or South Phoenix high schools. Pilgrim Rest has the available space to accommodate these additional grades, with their current enrollment at 100 students in K-6 and 20 in Head Start.

José Cárdenas made a motion to approve ASU Prep Pilgrim Rest to serve Kindergarten through 8th grade, seconded by Amy McGrath

Motion Carries
Yea: José Cárdenas, George Dean, Amy McGrath  

Attendance Policy - Dannette Gastelo

It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the Attendance Policy.

Dannette Gastelo presented the proposed attendance policy and how the approved changes, effective immediately, allow family vacations and religious holidays to be marked as excused absences when requested by parent. While these absences won't impact school funding, they still are counted towards the total number of annual absences provided in the state guidelines. José Cárdenas asked if this would be applicable for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving break as many parents start family vacations then. George Dean asked what the ramifications of a student exceeding the total number of annual absences. Dannette explained that those students are traditionally classified under the chronic illness policy. 

Amy McGrath made a motion to approve the Attendance Policy, seconded by José Cárdenas

Motion Carries
Yea: José Cárdenas, George Dean, Amy McGrath  

Approval of the Board Officers for the 2024 Calendar Year

It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the  following Board officers for 2024, George Dean, Chairman, José Cárdenas, Vice Chairman and Secretary, Amy McGrath, Treasurer.

José Cárdenas made a motion to approve the Board Officers for the 2024 calendar year as stated in the agenda, seconded by Amy McGrath

Motion Carries
Yea: José Cárdenas, George Dean, Amy McGrath  

Approval of the Conflict of Interest Policy

It is requested that the Board of Directors approve the Conflict of Interest Policy.

José Cárdenas shared that other ASU entities have a line that states "being employed by ASU is not a conflict of interest." He is not suggesting there is anything wrong with the current policy, only recommending we explore adding this to the policy. Amy McGrath requested reviewing the disclosure form to increase clarity. 

José Cárdenas made a motion to approve the Conflict of Interest Policy, seconded by Amy McGrath

Motion Carries
Yea: José Cárdenas, George Dean, Amy McGrath  

Executive Session

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3), the Board may go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to consult with its attorney and obtain legal advice on any item listed on the agenda.

No executive session held


Amy McGrath moved to adjourn, seconded by José Cárdenas, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25am AZ

Motion Carries
Yea: José Cárdenas, George Dean, Amy McGrath    

Respectfully Submitted this 26th of January 2024

By Martha Plascencia

ASU Preparatory Academy, Board Clerk

Board of Directors Chairperson or designee

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